SELECT MIN(pro_price),MAX(pro_price) FROM nesote_inoutshopping_product WHERE pro_visible=1 and pro_complete_status=1 and pro_brand_id=index.php''page=product%2Fproductsbybrand%2F2 ;
MySQL Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '''page=product%2Fproductsbybrand%2F2' at line 1 SELECT MIN(b.amount) FROM nesote_inoutshopping_product a, nesote_inoutshopping_specialoffers b WHERE a.pro_visible=1 and a.pro_complete_status=1 and and a.pro_brand_id=index.php''page=product%2Fproductsbybrand%2F2 and b.frm_date<=1737590399 and b.to_date>=1737504000 ;
MySQL Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '''page=product%2Fproductsbybrand%2F2 and b.frm_date<=1737590399 and b.to_date>=1' at line 1
Shop by Brand  - Leef